Make a Donation
Pledge to End Polio with the League City Rotary's annual Polar Plunge!
2025 Polar Plunge
Donate to End Polio!
Your donation helps Rotary and its partners reach every child with the polio vaccine. Thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, your contribution will be tripled, getting us even closer to a polio-free world. Thank you for supporting the Rotary of Club of League City Foundation's effort to eradicate polio.
If you are donating on behalf of a specific Rotarian, please indicate that in the comments.
Together, we will end polio!
2025 League City Rotary--Tykes Need Bikes
$1,100.00 Raised • 9 DonorsThe League City Rotary Club is partnering with Tykes Need Bikes to provide bicycles to 50 or more children in League City. Each bike costs approximately $75.00. Any amount you donate helps a child receive a bike!
Book Vending Machine
$20.00 RaisedThe book vending machine at League City Elementary provides FREE books to children attending the school who earn a postive office referral. Students receive a coin and can select any book they want from the machine. Books are available in English and Spanish. For every $10 donation, a bookplate will placed in a book with the name of the donor.
Mobile Food Distribution Sponsorship
0 DonorsEvery day families in our community are experiencing food insecurity. League City Rotary works to fill that gap by hosting a mobile food distribution once a month. A mobile distribution that feeds 125-200 families costs $250. Your donation will help us feed families in our community.
Donations of $250 will include the name of the sponsor and a picture of your sign will be included and emailed to you.
Please include sponsor name in the comment section.